
☆ Leader: Shiningstar - creamy brown she-cat with fluffy tail and blue eyes

Deputy: Hazelstripe - broad-shouldered, dusky brown tabby tom

Medicine Cat: Cloudwatcher - huge, long-haired white tom with dark grey speckles
-----Apprentice: Twigpaw

Tawnycloud - light brown tabby she-cat with long fluffy fur and amber eyes
-----Apprentice: Oakpaw
Nightpounce - shiny black tom with small white spots resembling stars
-----Apprentice: Icepaw
Sunstripe - pale orange tabby she-cat with darker orange stripes
-----Apprentice: Cedarpaw
Silverspeck - short-haired silver tabby she-cat with ice blue eyes
Summer - light tortoiseshell she-cat with white chest and paws

Oakpaw - golden brown she-cat with blue eyes
Icepaw - white she-cat with bright blue eyes and silver tipped tail
Cedarpaw - wiry brown tom with yellow eyes
Twigpaw - shy, dusky brown tabby tom

Daisysky - light gray she-cat with a white blaze down her face
-----Kits: Rapidkit, Emberkit

Rapidkit - skinny, pale gray tom with yellow eyes
Emberkit - light ginger tom with a flame-colored pelt

Thistlepelt - brown tom with matted fur and has a grumpy temper

HorizonClan lives in an open field with many types of flowers near the edge of a cliff, overlooking the sea to the north. To the south lies a dense oak forest, though the Clan does not go there very often.

The Clan's camp consists of a variety of nests arranged in a circle, built around a large rock in the middle of the camp. The medicine den has logs surrounding the nest with holes carved into them to store herbs. There are a few small nests around the main one in the medicine den for any sick cats.

Giant Stone - A large rock in the middle of the camp, used for Clan meetings.
Rabbit path - A path in the grass created by rabbits running through the field.
The Cliff - The northern cliff overlooking an intense sea. This place is very dangerous.
Twolegplace - A small twoleg village to the far east of the camp, many dogs live there.

HorizonClans territory is quite warm, especially in Newleaf and Greenleaf. During the colder seasons, snow is rarely seen, though it does tend to rain. Wind is an issue year-round, so cats tend to avoid going near The Cliff, in order to not fall off.

Clan age:172 moons

Clan leaders (Earliest-Latest):
Horizonstar -> Specklestar -> Ferretstar -> Shiningstar

Medicine Cats (Earliest-Latest):
Whitevine -> Firefur -> Tigerfern -> Dayblossom -> Sootspeck -> Cloudwatcher

Common Prey:
Field mice

Rare Prey:
